Work Order & Inventory Management Integration

A major energy distribution company in Argentina, after an internal audit, determined that it needed to improve integration between their own systems.
Given that most of their distribution management is performed by contractors (network maintenance, network topology supervision, outage planning and outage management), keeping track of the materials used for these operations was key.
At the time of the audit, supervision and tracking of materials was done manually by supervisors, in a time consuming and error-prone fashion, with no integration between Work Order management and approval and physical Inventory Management.
A Software Archaeology Process was executed, allowing us to deep dive within the business rules and implementation of their existing systems, identifying the modules that needed further integration, as well as existing technical debt and architecture and design considerations to be taken into account and/or reviewed.
Using the output of the Archaeological study, we implemented the bridge between both systems allowing for real-time integration between Work Order Workflow Management and Inventory Management and providing traceability of the entire process.
Not only that, but we also revamped their systems through simple and intuitive UIs, eliminated the need for paper forms within the process, added configurable Approval Chains with programmed absences, and included system-wide push-model notifications for realtime workflow state tracking by users.